
The tournament has slots only for the first 6 teams to register. Preregistration only up to January 7, 2013.

1. Fill up the Registration Form. (
2. Please wait for our confirmation of regarding your pre-registration.
2. Deposit Php200 or Php400 (Half or whole amount of registration fee) to our Landbank account.
    a. Get two deposit slips from Landbank
    b. Fill in:
        Account Name: UP Physics Association
        Account Number: 3071-0154-15
3. Scan or take a picture of the receipt, and send it to as an attachment.
4. Wait for confirmatory email.

The preregistration is not valid until the proof of payment is received. In case the team can't pay through the bank, another option is by directly paying to the Finance Committee of the UP Physics Association. You may contact the UPPA through the details below.

UP Physics Association
National Institute of Physics
University of the Philippines,
Diliman, Quezon City 1101
Tel. (+632) 509-2780